Line Graphs and Pourquoi Stories

In math we imagined that the Wright Bros. could sell airplanes for $10 or $20.  We graphed the projected earnings to compare:

line graphs
Graphs by Angelina and Kylie.

Tomorrow we’ll factor in changed demand in order to make a more realistic graph.

In literacy we continued reading about Einstein.  The German government wanted to lock him up during WWI but they couldn’t because he was still a Swiss citizen.

In the afternoon we read another pourquoi story and continued reading our own.

We read these two pourquoi stories in class.
We read these two pourquoi stories in class

What do these stories have in common?

Remember that tomorrow after school we have Parent Information Night.  Are you getting on the bus?  Are you waiting in the ES library?  MAKE SURE YOU KNOW!  I’m looking forward to seeing parents tomorrow night.  The presentation will be in English.

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