Number Patterns and ES Captain Speeches

In Math we learned how two number patterns can be related.

For example, a car can travel around 100km/h.  Some trains travel at around 300km/h.  Imagine a car and a train travelling across the USA.  How far will each of them have travelled, in total, after each hour?

Hours          1h                 2h                   3h                  4h                 5h

Car         100km              200km             300km            400km         500km

Train        300km             600km             900km          1200km     1500km

What is the relationship between the figures for the car and the figures for the train?  See answer at bottom of today’s post.

We wrote our journals and went to the ES library.

In the afternoon our nominees for the ES Captain positions gave their speech.  Thank you Lily, Jun, Catherine and Kylie for having a go.  Students voted.  Teachers will vote tomorrow and I should have the results on Wednesday.  We will then choose HR and Library Officers.


From now on, each week’s homework will be posted on Monday’s blog post.

  1. Read for at least 30 mins. every day.  Write the books in your reading journal.
  2. Practice the spelling words.  Write the list down in your planner.  Everybody should already know whether they should use List 1 or List 2.

Spelling Words List 1

  1. was
  2. pass
  3. fast
  4. airplane
  5. weigh
  6. eight
  7. great
  8. stay
  9. prey
  10. car
  11. dark
  12. care
  13. scare
  14. chair
  15. hair
  16. bear
  17. where
  18. their
  19. equivalent
  20. acronym

Spelling Words List 2:

  1. stopped
  2. trapped
  3. boiled
  4. treated
  5. glasses
  6. fences
  7. taxes
  8. dishes
  9. busses
  10. babies
  11. ponies
  12. monkeys
  13. donkeys
  14. bragging
  15. batting
  16. hopping
  17. equivalent
  18. acronym
  19. Einstein
  20. Confucius

Math answer:

Car km travelled x 3 = train km travelled.

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