Homework and Grade Five Promotion

Today we started planning our own science fiction narratives.  What kind of technology will your story have?

Speaking of futuristic, the end of Elementary School is almost upon us and Middle School will begin.

To mark the event, AST holds an annual Grade Five Promotion ceremony.  It will be held on the last day of school, Thursday June 8th at around 10:30am.  Mr. Corcoran will present all students with a certificate celebrating the completion of Elementary School.  We will have some short speeches and a performance.  Parents are invited.

Following the ceremony, I would like to have all Gr. 5 students and those parents who can attend go out for lunch somewhere local.  Students would then be dismissed with their parents or bussed back to AST.

Before making the arrangements, I need to check we have a good number of families who can participate.  Grade 5 students will ask parents about it this week and report back to me by Friday.  If around ten parents can confirm then we’ll start asking for restaurant suggestions.

Please note that the Grade 8 promotion will be at around 2:00pm on the same day – I know this will make it tricky for a couple of families.



  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes every day and record in your log.
  2.  Write ten new words in sentences.  These words will be chosen from the ones we learned in class.  Also, write 5 new words from your own reading and their definitions.  Due Friday.
  3.  Practice the spelling words (below).
  4.  Use Khan Academy for a total of an hour over the week.
  5.  Challenge:  Write a report about a science fiction movie you have seen or book you have read.  Remember to include (a) the title, (b) the year it was released, (c) the setting (including the year), (d) the technology displayed, and (e) what you think about it.  About half a page is fine.  Many people will want to choose Star Wars so try to think of something obscure if possible.


Spelling List 1

classes          dresses            glasses

mixes            foxes                relaxes

benches        churches         punches

dishes           eyelashes          brushes

fences           faces                  laces

microbe     snooze     smokestack     fault     peril



Spelling List 2

sign                 signature          condemn          condemnation

magic             magician           design               designation

muscle           muscular

propitious     talisman     resilient     nondescript     microbial

plaintively    verbalization     anguished     resonance     ephemeral



The resilient, nondescript microbe snoozed under the smokestack.

Your fault is being too plaintive when you verbalize

The propitious talisman had its faults and perils.

Songs and Vocabulary

In math we plotted a line graph that had negative numbers on the y axis.  Here is another example I found:

It shows the average daily temperatures at the South Pole over a whole year.  Even in summer the average is almost -30 degrees C!

Remember, your homework is to find some real charts about a topic you’re interested in.  I showed how we could look up graphs about dinosaurs and we got some informative results.

At the end of the year, AST is having a special function to mark Mr. Corcoran’s retirement.  ES will sing two songs.  Here they are, with lyrics:



The naïve boy thought he could extinguish the fire raging on his shin by asking it nicely.

They flew through a nebula.

They saw granite monoliths in the fertile fields.

The ephemeral being’s authoritative voice was resonant but anguished.

One day a juice box will cost NT$2,000 because of inflation.


It is almost a normal week this week.

A new student, Ying Ying, will join Grade 5 on Wednesday and Thursday to get to know people and the school.  She’ll start here in Grade 6 from August.

There’s a PA bake sale on Thursday.

Thank you to everyone in Gr. 5 who helped to move our things to the ES Library (and back again) while Taimun was using our classroom.  Everything is now back to normal.

Remember to finish the first draft of your Solar System essay tonight if it is not complete.

Image result for solar system



  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes every day and record in your log.
  2.  Write ten new words in sentences.  These words will be chosen from the ones we learned in class.  Also, write 5 new words from your own reading and their definitions.  Due Friday.
  3.  Practice the spelling words (below).
  4.  Use Khan Academy for a total of an hour over the week.
  5.  Challenge:  Find at least one REAL graph or chart.  Try looking in newspapers and non-fiction books.  Analyze it – write about what it means and what it shows in your homework notebook.  Bring it in to show us on Friday.


Spelling List 1

scheme          schedule          school

ended             traded              patted          waited

boiled             raised               played         filled

mixed             cracked            trapped      chased

deft     paltry     scarce     resent     prodigy


Spelling List 2

dependable        expendable        breakable        agreeable       predictable

audible                visible                 feasible            plausible        legible

paltry     scarcely     argyle     repulsive     preliminary

disqualified     resentment     prodigy     skeptical     exclusive



The exclusive club was skeptical about the new member’s claim that he was a prodigy.

I really resent the fact that I was disqualified from the preliminary finals just because of my repulsive, argyle socks.

Though she was deft, she scarcely caught any of the paltry amount of aliens hiding in the kitchen.


I wonder what Yunji’s comment will be today . . .

Recent Events

Yesterday Fah Zhi Elementary School came to visit.  They prepared some science activities for us and we prepared some games.  It was a fun day.


Today we had UN Day.  I didn’t get a chance to take photos because I was flat out.  We learned about how to stay healthy by:

  • Eating properly, including plenty of vegetables
  • Getting exercise
  • Sleeping 9-11 hours per night (for ages 5-13)
  • Keeping clean, i.e. washing our hands before eating

Tomorrow is the field trip to Flying Cow Ranch.  Remember to bring health care cards if you have them, sunscreen, umbrella/raincoat, water bottle and any other items you’d normally need for such an event.  We will meet on the upper courts then walk down to the buses.  Remember to go to the bathroom as we go past the theatre – we can’t get into the gym.

Finally, remember how we talked about hydro back during the Taichung Power Project?  Well, I was driving up to Guguan the other day and I happened to pass two hydro projects on either side of the valley.  Here they are:


The Wild Week Begins

You may find this week a little discombobulating.  We’ll have to be out of our classroom Wed-Fri because it will be used by Taimun.  On Wednesday we’ll have the Fahzhi ES visit, on Thursday UN Day activities and on Friday the field trip.  What actual class time we have will be in the ES library.

Did you figure out the meaning of the word discombobulating above?  You can kind of guess what it means by the context, i.e. all the complicated and confusing things going on.  This is called inference and it’s what we started in literacy today.



  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes every day and record in your log.
  2.  Write 5 new words from your own reading and their definitions.
  3.  No spelling words this week.
  4.  Use Khan Academy for a total of an hour over the week.
  5.  No challenge this week.

There is less homework this week due to all the other busy things going on.  Use the extra time to do further research for your Solar System essay and memorize the order of the planets.

New vocabulary from silent reading 04/14

Hello everyone, Mr. Sharp here. These are some of the vocabulary words we’ve come across in silent reading

Abducted – The thieves were abducting dogs from people’s homes then trying to sell them back to their owners.

Algae – You shouldn’t eat the gross green algae from the lake in the park.

Appreciate – When someone does something nice for you, find a way to let them know you appreciate their actions.

Awe – After going back in time, the kids were in awe of how big some dinosaurs were.

Blur – I couldn’t read the license plate, the car was going so fast that I just saw a blur.

Bow to someone’s will – I hope you bow to your teachers’ will and do your homework.

Brew – Bill tried to brew beer at home, but his science was wrong and the tubes exploded.

Brilliant – The supernova shone brilliantly against the night sky.

Capricorn – Capricorn is Latin for ‘horned goat.’


Category – All students who belong to the same category are sitting together.

Cathedral – Cathedrals can take hundreds of years to build before they can be used as churches.

Collaborative – dancing isn’t competitive, it’s collaborative!

Company – The company sells  bicycles and televisions.

Courtyard – There’s a courtyard in front of the big building, and sometimes people sell food and toys there.

Curse – The witch put a curse on James and turned him into a mouse.

Dawdle – You only have one hour for this test, so don’t dawdle on the questions.

Deaf – The deaf woman was perfectly happy to live above the nightclub.

Deduct – Every time she is late, her boss deducts pay from her salary.

Defiantly – The kids were not allowed inside the fence, but they defiantly snuck in anyway.

Discussion – The teachers had a discussion about students dawdling in the halls.

Disguise – Nobody caught the spy because of her awesome disguise.

Embarrassing – Losing chess to a second grader is super embarrassing.

Epoch – The American Revolutionary War began a new epoch in History.

Especially – Tiffany was especially bad at spelling, she wrote her name “Diphfennii.”

Examine – When I was hit by that asteroid, the doctor examined my head for a long time.

Exhibit – The museum has a new exhibit about especially ugly dinosaurs.

Feast – The king had a feast with expensive food to welcome the visiting prince.

For one’s own sake – Study new vocabulary for your own sake, not for your teachers or parents.

Gerbil – My gerbil ran under the couch when I accidentally left his cage door open.

Gristle – When I eat steak, I always eat the gristle, but my mom likes to save hers and use it for cooking something else.

Gritty – After the beach, the gritty sand in Ben’s shoe bothered him all day.

Harass – The wild dogs harassed my pet dog whenever we went for a walk.

Hatchling – The snake mother had 5 young hatchlings she needed to feed.

Hide – Quick! Hide behind this chair, or else the boogeyman will see you.

Honest – The honest woman told the boss that her friend would be better for the new job.

Intermediate – In Taekwondo, I’m better than the beginners, but I’m not an expert yet. I’m intermediate.

Kidney – The kidney is important for cleaning what you drink.

Landslide – The landslide covered our house in mud.

Lecture – during the teacher’s long lecture, half the class fell asleep.

Licked – You have to give me the cookie because I licked it.

Limp – He hit me with a limp noodle, it hurt a lot!

Logic – I tried to use logic to solve my relationship problems, but it just made everyone angry.

miniature – Do you see the cute miniature horse next to the normal sized horses.

Offended – The loud boy shouting in the park offended the old man.

Omen – He thought the red moon was a bad omen for tomorrow’s journey.

One-handed – Wow! The one armed man is juggling one-handed.

Origami – She can make origami dancers, while I can only make origami airplanes.

Pajamas (pjs) – After I woke up, I forgot to change, and went to school in my pajamas.

Pastel – you see lots of pastel colors around Easter time.

Peered – the kids peered into the teachers’ lounge from a small window when they felt safe.

Pilgrim – It took the pilgrims three weeks to get to Mecca.

Plummet – If the engines go out, this plane will plummet to the ground.

Proclaim – The mayor proclaimed today as ‘no homework day’ for the whole town.

Realism – I don’t like too much realism in my science fiction novels.

Reluctant – I was reluctant to share my only apple with her.

Rhythmic – Sarah fell asleep to the regular, rhythmic movement of the ship.

Sardines – Sardines are small fish, often sold in a small metal box.

Scalp – Ted was scratching his head because he had an itchy scalp.

Sigh – Betty just sighs whenever her friends start talking about their babies.

Sour grapes – When you want grapes but can’t have them, so you decide those grapes must be sour.

Stowaway – The boat’s stowaway was hidden behind a group of boxes full of bananas.

Styrofoam – the brown boxes are cardboard, the soft white ones are styrofoam.

Superstitious – If you think breaking a mirror is bad luck then you’re superstitious.

Taurus – Latin for bull.


Tile – The treasure was in the office building, hidden under some floor tiles.

Time travel – The student wants to invent time travel to go back and change a bad test grade

Transfiguration – By stepping into the special machine, Bob’s transfiguration of himself into a tomato was complete.

Trilogy – The first three Star Wars films form a classic film trilogy.

Tundra – The Inuit hunter dreaded his journey across the frozen tundra.

Unfortunately – Fortunately, it was Sarah’s birthday. Unfortunately, she forgot to plan a party.

Value – I value our friendship, but I don’t value your sarcasm.

Versus (vs.) – It was the toads versus the flies in a battle of survival.

Warrior – The warriors knew that the battle would be difficult, but their code to each other forced them to fight.

Wax – We’re too late! The birthday cake is already covered in melted candle wax!

Whole – We were supposed to share, but you ate the whole watermelon!

Wove – Yesterday, Steve wove a basket in his free time.

Wriggle – The box was very tight, so Tammy had to wriggle out of it.

Zig zag – Paul has a weird left to right, zig zag walk when he goes out.

Zodiac – Tim knew all the zodiac signs and looked at his fortune in the newspaper everyday.


Upcoming Events

Today we watched a couple of short videos about the solar system and made a diagram.

Here is the first video:

Here is the second video (only the first half is relevant):

Make sure you know all the planets in order, and a little about them.  If there are any gaps in your knowledge watch the videos again and refer back to your diagram.  Most people already know most of this so we only briefly reviewed this topic in class.



A notice went home today requesting that parents bring a dish for UN Day.  It also asked for volunteers.

Due to lack of space during TAIMUN, we have decided to cancel the lunch.  Please do NOT bring a dish!  No volunteers required.  Apologies for the mix up.  I hope no one was super quick and had already cooked something.


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, April 18th – Friday, April 21st – TAIMUN.  While this event is for Middle and High School, it will effect us in various ways.  AST will be super busy during this week.  TAIMUN will take up many spaces including the gym, the MPR and . . . our room!  We will relocate to the ES library.  We will also have many special events during this time so we will be out of our class anyway.

Wednesday, 19th April – Fahzhi Elementary School visit.  We will do some activities with them during 2nd block.

Thursday, 20th April – UN Day.  Special activities for most of the day.  No cooking or volunteers required!  Remember to wear your UN Day t-shirt.

Friday, 21st April – All day Flying Cow ES field trip.

Looking further ahead . . .

Thursday, 25th May – Last day for ES after-school activities.

Friday, 26th May – Semester Celebration.

Friday, 2nd June – A special event of some sort.  I wonder what it could be?

Thursday, 8th June – Last day of school for students.

Expect announcement about other end-of-year events soon.


Fake News

This morning in Math we started drawing a picture using a Cartesian plane.  We’ll continue it tomorrow.

This is similar to how we find our location using latitude and longitude.  Use this site to work out exactly where you are:


In Literacy we started by reading this website about drop bears, a ferocious animal from Australia:


Image credit: Australian Geographic

We then read a news article about Taiwan’s upcoming ban on Minecraft.  The new law has been cleared by the Supreme Court and will come into effect from August 1.  You can read the article again here:

Minecraft Ban

Thankfully, we found out that both of these were fake news.

We need to be skeptical when we use the internet, read news or watch videos, and if something seems strange or surprising we should double check to make sure it’s true.

We discussed how we can decide whether news is factual or not.  We came up with three strategies:

  1. Check the news source – is it a genuine news service that you know, like the Taipei Times or BBC?
  2. Google it – are other news sources running the story?  If not, it might be fake.
  3. Ask a parent or teacher.

Of course, the advice above will not always guarantee that it is real but it will help.

In the afternoon we went to the satellite lab to do research for our Solar System essays.  Remember to complete further research at home and record the web sites or books that you use.  We will begin writing next week.



The court rejected the appeal and upheld the earlier judgement.

Protesters condemned the implementation of the controversial policy.

Oxygen is a chemical.

Vocabulary etc.

In math we were using a coordinate plane.  Do we start from the x or y axis?  Are the points on the lines or in the squares?

A notice went home today about an upcoming field trip to Flying Cow Farm.  Please return permission forms and money by Monday.  Tell Mr. Connelly what you will do for lunch.


Here is how we are writing down book details for our bibliography:

Murphy, Genevieve: Dogs of Japan.  Beagle Press, New York, 2007.

For now, you can just record the URL of any websites that you use.  That means the address.



The large comet had more gravity than the small asteroid.

Above the Earth’s crust, the atmosphere contains some vapor.


Today we began our new unit, Alien Quest.  I found out that Grade 5 already knows a lot about the Solar System and other things in space.  We will examine what’s out there and consider the possibility of extraterrestrial life.



  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes every day and record in your log.
  2.  Write ten new words in sentences.  These words will be chosen from the ones we learned in class.  Also, write 5 new words from your own reading and their definitions.  Due Friday.
  3.  Practice the spelling words (below).
  4.  Use Khan Academy for a total of an hour over the week.
  5.  Challenge: Do some independent research at home for your Solar System essay.  Remember to write down the website or book details!  We’ll share some interesting facts on Friday.


Spelling List 1

challenge           cheese          checkers          children          choose

character           Christmas    chemical          chorus            ache

charade              chef               machine          brochure        Charlotte

income                census          jury                  policy              adopt


Spelling List 2

determination          opposition          inspiration          exploration          combination

declaration                definition           admiration          decomposition    exposition

income                       census                 eligibility              transient              relinquish

Communist               economics          policy                    indescribably       infinitesimally



The indescribably enormous galaxy gradually cooled down.

Everything is made of matter.