
This morning we created interesting, complex characters for our narratives.  They had both virtues and faults, whether they were heroes or villains.  What are Draco Malfoy’s virtues?  What are Mrs. Which’s faults?

In the afternoon we worked out differences in age and weight in different parts of the Solar System.  We found that I would be 157 years old on Mercury and I would weigh more than two tonnes on the Sun.  I think I’ll stay home.

We also watched this clip about exoplanets that may be habitable:



  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes every day and record in your log.
  2.  Write ten new words in sentences.  These words will be chosen from the ones we learned in class.  Also, write 5 new words from your own reading and their definitions.  Due Friday.
  3.  Practice the spelling words (below).
  4.  Use Khan Academy for a total of an hour over the week.
  5.  Challenge:  Present a project to the class about something in space (obviously not the thing you wrote an essay on).  It might be in the Solar System, like Enceladus, or it might be outside it, like the Andromeda galaxy, the Big Bang or the possibility of alien life.  You are to present your project in a way you have not done so far this year.  No essays!  No posters!  Here are some ideas:
  • PowerPoint presentation
  • travel brochure
  • create a website
  • a fictional diary
  • a podcast (i.e. make an audio recording)
  • a YouTube clip (live or recorded; it doesn’t have to actually be on YouTube but it can be)
  • interpretive dance
  • another method negotiated with Mr. Connelly

This project is due on May 26th.  That gives you about three weeks to work on it.  We may have a little time at school for research.


Spelling List 1

baby          babies          body          bodies

carry         carries         hurry         hurries

monkey    monkeys     donkey      donkeys

enjoy         enjoys          obey           obeys

transparent     column     tolerate     virtue


Spelling List 2

nation          national          relate          relative

famous         infamous       educate      educable

insane           insanity

correlation     obscure      defiance              virtuous        toleration

ubiquitous      synthetic    unreasonable    hysterical     transparency



Is defiance a virtue?

She couldn’t tolerate the ubiquitous synthetic elephants.

Stop being unreasonable and hysterical about the transparent column.

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