Homework and Grade Five Promotion

Today we started planning our own science fiction narratives.  What kind of technology will your story have?

Speaking of futuristic, the end of Elementary School is almost upon us and Middle School will begin.

To mark the event, AST holds an annual Grade Five Promotion ceremony.  It will be held on the last day of school, Thursday June 8th at around 10:30am.  Mr. Corcoran will present all students with a certificate celebrating the completion of Elementary School.  We will have some short speeches and a performance.  Parents are invited.

Following the ceremony, I would like to have all Gr. 5 students and those parents who can attend go out for lunch somewhere local.  Students would then be dismissed with their parents or bussed back to AST.

Before making the arrangements, I need to check we have a good number of families who can participate.  Grade 5 students will ask parents about it this week and report back to me by Friday.  If around ten parents can confirm then we’ll start asking for restaurant suggestions.

Please note that the Grade 8 promotion will be at around 2:00pm on the same day – I know this will make it tricky for a couple of families.



  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes every day and record in your log.
  2.  Write ten new words in sentences.  These words will be chosen from the ones we learned in class.  Also, write 5 new words from your own reading and their definitions.  Due Friday.
  3.  Practice the spelling words (below).
  4.  Use Khan Academy for a total of an hour over the week.
  5.  Challenge:  Write a report about a science fiction movie you have seen or book you have read.  Remember to include (a) the title, (b) the year it was released, (c) the setting (including the year), (d) the technology displayed, and (e) what you think about it.  About half a page is fine.  Many people will want to choose Star Wars so try to think of something obscure if possible.


Spelling List 1

classes          dresses            glasses

mixes            foxes                relaxes

benches        churches         punches

dishes           eyelashes          brushes

fences           faces                  laces

microbe     snooze     smokestack     fault     peril



Spelling List 2

sign                 signature          condemn          condemnation

magic             magician           design               designation

muscle           muscular

propitious     talisman     resilient     nondescript     microbial

plaintively    verbalization     anguished     resonance     ephemeral



The resilient, nondescript microbe snoozed under the smokestack.

Your fault is being too plaintive when you verbalize

The propitious talisman had its faults and perils.

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