Upcoming Events

Today we watched a couple of short videos about the solar system and made a diagram.

Here is the first video:

Here is the second video (only the first half is relevant):

Make sure you know all the planets in order, and a little about them.  If there are any gaps in your knowledge watch the videos again and refer back to your diagram.  Most people already know most of this so we only briefly reviewed this topic in class.



A notice went home today requesting that parents bring a dish for UN Day.  It also asked for volunteers.

Due to lack of space during TAIMUN, we have decided to cancel the lunch.  Please do NOT bring a dish!  No volunteers required.  Apologies for the mix up.  I hope no one was super quick and had already cooked something.


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, April 18th – Friday, April 21st – TAIMUN.  While this event is for Middle and High School, it will effect us in various ways.  AST will be super busy during this week.  TAIMUN will take up many spaces including the gym, the MPR and . . . our room!  We will relocate to the ES library.  We will also have many special events during this time so we will be out of our class anyway.

Wednesday, 19th April – Fahzhi Elementary School visit.  We will do some activities with them during 2nd block.

Thursday, 20th April – UN Day.  Special activities for most of the day.  No cooking or volunteers required!  Remember to wear your UN Day t-shirt.

Friday, 21st April – All day Flying Cow ES field trip.

Looking further ahead . . .

Thursday, 25th May – Last day for ES after-school activities.

Friday, 26th May – Semester Celebration.

Friday, 2nd June – A special event of some sort.  I wonder what it could be?

Thursday, 8th June – Last day of school for students.

Expect announcement about other end-of-year events soon.


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