Fake News

This morning in Math we started drawing a picture using a Cartesian plane.  We’ll continue it tomorrow.

This is similar to how we find our location using latitude and longitude.  Use this site to work out exactly where you are:


In Literacy we started by reading this website about drop bears, a ferocious animal from Australia:


Image credit: Australian Geographic

We then read a news article about Taiwan’s upcoming ban on Minecraft.  The new law has been cleared by the Supreme Court and will come into effect from August 1.  You can read the article again here:

Minecraft Ban

Thankfully, we found out that both of these were fake news.

We need to be skeptical when we use the internet, read news or watch videos, and if something seems strange or surprising we should double check to make sure it’s true.

We discussed how we can decide whether news is factual or not.  We came up with three strategies:

  1. Check the news source – is it a genuine news service that you know, like the Taipei Times or BBC?
  2. Google it – are other news sources running the story?  If not, it might be fake.
  3. Ask a parent or teacher.

Of course, the advice above will not always guarantee that it is real but it will help.

In the afternoon we went to the satellite lab to do research for our Solar System essays.  Remember to complete further research at home and record the web sites or books that you use.  We will begin writing next week.



The court rejected the appeal and upheld the earlier judgement.

Protesters condemned the implementation of the controversial policy.

Oxygen is a chemical.

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