Upcoming Events and Vocabulary

Today we completed the mid-year Lexile reading comprehension test.  I will look over the results and discuss it with individuals later.  It is normal for there to be an occasional dip in the middle of the year, especially for ESOL students.  Assume that your level is the highest one so far recorded.

In Reader’s Workshop we have been focusing on our inner conversation.  What are you thinking about as you read at home?  What do you wonder, what does it remind you of and what questions do you have?  Good readers think about what they are reading.  They are not zombies.

In the afternoon we read two books about Christopher Columbus.  What do you think about him and why?


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, January 24th: Local Field Trip.  In line with our unit on explorers, we will go on an adventure around the hills surrounding AST and have a picnic lunch.  I have cancelled school lunch for Grade 5 for this day.  Please also bring water, bug spray and wear sturdy shoes.  No fee or permission slip required.

Thursday, January 26th: Chinese New Year activities.  This will be the last day of school.

Friday, January 27th – Sunday, February 5th – Chinese New Year break.  No classes.



In the twilight, they harnessed a tremendous raven.

Can you find the volume of this rectangular prism?





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