
The Scholastic Book Club notices went home today.  You can buy some books if you would like.

If you are using the paper form, please return by Friday with exact change if at all possible.

Alternatively, you can order online with a credit card.  Here’s a message about it from Ms. Rita:

Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to  http://world-schools.scholastic.co.uk/american-school-in-taichung  to browse the latest books and order online.

Please place your order online by 20/Jan/2017, Friday .


  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes every day and record in your log.
  2.  Write 10 new words in sentences.  These words will be chosen from the ones we learned in class.  Also, write 5 new words from your own reading and their definitions.  Due Friday.
  3.  Practice the spelling words.  The words are below.  Test on Friday.
  4.  Use Khan Academy for a total of an hour over the week.
  5.  Challenge: Continue the explorer project.  This Friday, please tell us one more interesting fact about your explorer and how you will present it, i.e. PowerPoint, a journal, or whatever.  The final due date is Thursday, January 26th.


Spelling List 1

lack             snack          hacker

seek           sleek            Greek

lake            strike           poke

peach         coach           cockroach

witch          catch           fetch

vein     artery     swirl     blade     marrow


Spelling List 2

unbelievable          uncontrollable

disused                    disinterested

antiaircraft             antibiotics          antimatter

amoral                     anarchy               asymmetrical

arteries     staggered     plateau     vein          marrow

abyss          torrential     twilight     harness     volume



Take off your mitts and use the blade to extract the marrow.

I staggered to the barbershop to get a trim.

His arms were filled with swirling veins and arteries.

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