
It was great to be back and see everyone today.  Everyone seems rested, energetic and ready to go.

In the morning we went to the library for borrowing and reading.  We wrote an opinion piece convincing readers to visit our favorite place.  We will continue it tomorrow.  In the afternoon we did Reader’s Workshop.



  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes every day and record in your log.
  2.  Write 10 new words in sentences.  These words will be chosen from the ones we learned in class.  Also, write 5 new words from your own reading and their definitions.  Due Friday.
  3.  Practice the spelling words.  Test on Friday.
  4.  Use Khan Academy for a total of an hour over the week.
  5.  Challenge: Explorer project.  Research an explorer and present to the class.  I would prefer you to find a European explorer who explored North America but if you’d really like to do someone else, that’s okay.  Don’t do Christopher Columbus because we’ll study him in class.  This time you can present the project however you like – a poster, a PowerPoint presentation, an essay or another way negotiated with me.  This project will be due in three weeks.  This Friday you just need to share the name of the explorer you will study and one interesting fact about them.

Some famous explorers of North America:

Lief Ericson          Jean Ribault          Henry Hudson          Amerigo Vespucci

John Cabot            Sir Walter Raleigh                                     Jacques Cartier

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado       Lewis and Clark

Hernando de Soto               Ponce de Leon          Giovanni da Verrazzano

Other explorers:

Ahmad ibn Fadlan               Xu Fu                          Ferdinand Magellan

Hyecho                                    Nehsi                          Nain Singh Rawat

Tenjiku Tokubei                    Xuanzang                  Zheng He

There are many others.



Spelling List 1

scrape          scrap          scrub          scream

strange        stretch       strict          Australia

shrink          shred          shrill          shrunk

squawk         squirt         squid          squint

caribou         parka          ivory          narwhal


Spelling List 2

kernel            colonel

accept            except

aloud               allowed

alter                 altar

patients          patience

caribou     glacier     narwhal     strait     motionless     Inuit

affordable     immigrant        obstacle         transmission



Can you hunt narwhal for ivory?

The caribou walked across the glacier.


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