
  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes every day and record in your log.
  2.  No vocabulary homework this week.
  3.  No spelling words this week.
  4.  Use Khan Academy for a total of an hour over the week.
  5.  Challenge: Complete the explorer project.  Due Thursday.  Please bring it in earlier if you will be away.

Remember to bring your lunch, a water bottle and anything else you’ll need for the expedition tomorrow.  We’ll be out from around 10:00 – 12:00.

Thursday will be the last day of school.  We will have a special CNY lunch that day prepared by parents.  There will be no after-school classes or late bus on Thursday.

Lewis and Clark

This morning we plotted 3D shapes on dot paper and found their volume.  We will continue this tomorrow.  Remember, ‘volume’ means how much space something takes up.  If you forget, try to remember Archimedes in the bath.

We continued reading about Lewis and Clark.  They set out to explore the new part of the United States which was added as a result of the Louisiana Purchasein purple below.  Can you remember who the US bought the land from?

In the afternoon we discussed the pros and cons of going on such an expedition.  Pros: you might become rich and famous, and it would be a nice break from everyday life.  Cons: you’d have no Wi-Fi and there might be dangerous animals.

We also ranked these items in order from most to least important for the trip, in case we didn’t have room for them all:

sleeping mat               water bottle               Swiss army knife

computer                     raincoat                       guns and ammunition

first aid kit                   tent                               axe

flashlight                      compass                     matches/lighter

There was some lively discussion.  Some people put the first aid kit at the top while others put it at the bottom.

Remember that the homework is due tomorrow and we will have the spelling and vocabulary tests.  It is the last day to return book orders.


The presidential candidate was devoted to transporting more cargo by barge.

The source of the apples was the small grove.

Upcoming Events and Vocabulary

Today we completed the mid-year Lexile reading comprehension test.  I will look over the results and discuss it with individuals later.  It is normal for there to be an occasional dip in the middle of the year, especially for ESOL students.  Assume that your level is the highest one so far recorded.

In Reader’s Workshop we have been focusing on our inner conversation.  What are you thinking about as you read at home?  What do you wonder, what does it remind you of and what questions do you have?  Good readers think about what they are reading.  They are not zombies.

In the afternoon we read two books about Christopher Columbus.  What do you think about him and why?


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, January 24th: Local Field Trip.  In line with our unit on explorers, we will go on an adventure around the hills surrounding AST and have a picnic lunch.  I have cancelled school lunch for Grade 5 for this day.  Please also bring water, bug spray and wear sturdy shoes.  No fee or permission slip required.

Thursday, January 26th: Chinese New Year activities.  This will be the last day of school.

Friday, January 27th – Sunday, February 5th – Chinese New Year break.  No classes.



In the twilight, they harnessed a tremendous raven.

Can you find the volume of this rectangular prism?






The Scholastic Book Club notices went home today.  You can buy some books if you would like.

If you are using the paper form, please return by Friday with exact change if at all possible.

Alternatively, you can order online with a credit card.  Here’s a message about it from Ms. Rita:

Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to  http://world-schools.scholastic.co.uk/american-school-in-taichung  to browse the latest books and order online.

Please place your order online by 20/Jan/2017, Friday .


  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes every day and record in your log.
  2.  Write 10 new words in sentences.  These words will be chosen from the ones we learned in class.  Also, write 5 new words from your own reading and their definitions.  Due Friday.
  3.  Practice the spelling words.  The words are below.  Test on Friday.
  4.  Use Khan Academy for a total of an hour over the week.
  5.  Challenge: Continue the explorer project.  This Friday, please tell us one more interesting fact about your explorer and how you will present it, i.e. PowerPoint, a journal, or whatever.  The final due date is Thursday, January 26th.


Spelling List 1

lack             snack          hacker

seek           sleek            Greek

lake            strike           poke

peach         coach           cockroach

witch          catch           fetch

vein     artery     swirl     blade     marrow


Spelling List 2

unbelievable          uncontrollable

disused                    disinterested

antiaircraft             antibiotics          antimatter

amoral                     anarchy               asymmetrical

arteries     staggered     plateau     vein          marrow

abyss          torrential     twilight     harness     volume



Take off your mitts and use the blade to extract the marrow.

I staggered to the barbershop to get a trim.

His arms were filled with swirling veins and arteries.

ES Captains, Publicity Officers and Reports

Today in math we found the volume of real-life shapes around the classroom.

Can you find the volume of this shape?

We elected our ES Captains and Publicity Officers for Second Semester.

Congratulations to our new ES Captains, Rick and Nolan!

Congratulations to our new Publicity Officers, Evelyn and Zach!

Good luck to everyone on their new jobs.

In the afternoon we handed out the 2nd Quarter reports.  Remember, your learning, improvement, enthusiasm and curiosity are more important than a score on a report.  This is what the numbers mean:

5 = Consistently showing exceptional work

4 = Working above expectations

3 = Meeting expectations

2 = Progressing towards expectations

1 = Not progressing towards expectations

In other words, ‘3’ means working at Grade 5 standard, which is fine.  It is not a score out of 5.

We used to have a system where parents needed to sign the report and return it.  This is no longer the case.  Please keep the report.

While there is no official Parent Teacher Conference day at this time of the year, I am happy to meet with parents at any time.  Please contact me via email or Line to make an appointment.

Have a glacial weekend.





It was great to be back and see everyone today.  Everyone seems rested, energetic and ready to go.

In the morning we went to the library for borrowing and reading.  We wrote an opinion piece convincing readers to visit our favorite place.  We will continue it tomorrow.  In the afternoon we did Reader’s Workshop.



  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes every day and record in your log.
  2.  Write 10 new words in sentences.  These words will be chosen from the ones we learned in class.  Also, write 5 new words from your own reading and their definitions.  Due Friday.
  3.  Practice the spelling words.  Test on Friday.
  4.  Use Khan Academy for a total of an hour over the week.
  5.  Challenge: Explorer project.  Research an explorer and present to the class.  I would prefer you to find a European explorer who explored North America but if you’d really like to do someone else, that’s okay.  Don’t do Christopher Columbus because we’ll study him in class.  This time you can present the project however you like – a poster, a PowerPoint presentation, an essay or another way negotiated with me.  This project will be due in three weeks.  This Friday you just need to share the name of the explorer you will study and one interesting fact about them.

Some famous explorers of North America:

Lief Ericson          Jean Ribault          Henry Hudson          Amerigo Vespucci

John Cabot            Sir Walter Raleigh                                     Jacques Cartier

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado       Lewis and Clark

Hernando de Soto               Ponce de Leon          Giovanni da Verrazzano

Other explorers:

Ahmad ibn Fadlan               Xu Fu                          Ferdinand Magellan

Hyecho                                    Nehsi                          Nain Singh Rawat

Tenjiku Tokubei                    Xuanzang                  Zheng He

There are many others.



Spelling List 1

scrape          scrap          scrub          scream

strange        stretch       strict          Australia

shrink          shred          shrill          shrunk

squawk         squirt         squid          squint

caribou         parka          ivory          narwhal


Spelling List 2

kernel            colonel

accept            except

aloud               allowed

alter                 altar

patients          patience

caribou     glacier     narwhal     strait     motionless     Inuit

affordable     immigrant        obstacle         transmission



Can you hunt narwhal for ivory?

The caribou walked across the glacier.


The First Day Back

A reminder from Mr. Connelly: I will be away at a conference Thursday 5th and Friday 6th.  I will leave you in the capable hands of Mr. Sharp.  We have some fun activities lined up including a new class book and hopefully a library lesson with Ms. Sylvia (if we can get the lab).

Make sure you have everything you need for tomorrow – notebooks, pencils, erasers, elbows, umbrellas etc.  Have a great time and I’ll see you soon.