Halloween Tomorrow

Today we scaled picture up and down, multiplying by both four and a fourth.

We continued reading Cannily, Cannily.  Why are the other boys going to help Trevor play?

We did some more research for the Taichung Power Project.  Every company found a major problem with their type of power.  What was the problem with your group’s energy source?

Remember tomorrow is Halloween.

You can wear normal clothes to school.  We will get changed at 1:00pm.  Please remember your costume.  You might also like to bring spare clothes if you will participate in the water balloon game.

The buses will return at the normal time.

Also remember your reading logs and real-life fraction homework.


  1. Read for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Practice the spelling words.
  3. Use Khan Academy for a total of one hour over the week.  It seems that the email summary I receive from Khan is inaccurate so parents, please check that your kids do the necessary time as I am unable to do it from my end.
  4. Find some real life fractions outside of school.  Write down what you find and report it to the class on Friday.

Spelling List 1

clock          sock          rock          rocket          lock

mock         pocket       frock         stock            smock

smoke       poke         broke         Coke            joke

taunt         glee           impatient   bargain        spade

Spelling List 2

tablet          napkin          happen          winter          foggy

tennis         sudden         fossil              baby           music

human        fever            silent              duty            writer

persistent   authority      aggression     reciprocal   unpredictable

Information about the Field Trip and Spirit Week

Field Trip:

On Friday we will go to the Taichung National Science Museum.  We planned to go to Hsinchu but we changed to a closer location in case the typhoon causes travel problems.  The last minute change has led to some rather hurried organization.  We are keen to go to Hsinchu later in the year.

Price:  There was an error on the form.  The NT$300 covers BOTH entry and lunch.  In fact, it should turn out to be cheaper than that and I will give you change.

Lunch:  Please have your parents tick the box and return the form tomorrow.  If you are getting McDonalds you can only have the option listed as we need to pre-order and sorting out different orders would be a nightmare!  You can bring extra money and buy a little more if you are still hungry and we have time.  If you are bringing your own lunch I will reimburse the difference.

Money:  You don’t need money if you are buying McDonalds because the NT$300 will cover it.  You can bring some extra along for the gift shop if you want but YOU are responsible for it and I cannot guarantee we will have time to go there.

Parents, please Line me if you have further questions.  My Line ID is tom6579.

Spirit Week:

Next week is a fun week as we count down to Halloween.

Monday: Twin Day.  Organize to dress the same as someone else.  You might even do your hair the same way.

Tuesday:  Career Day.  Dress as what you would like to be when you grow up.  For example, if you want to be a doctor, you might dress in a white lab coat and stethoscope.  If you’re not sure you can just dress up as any job, it doesn’t really matter.

Wednesday: Corcoran Day.  Dress up as Mr. Corcoran.  He usually wears a suit and a colorful, interesting tie.

Thursday: Crazy Hair Day.  You can figure it out.

Friday: Halloween.

It’s great to see so many ES kids getting involved this year.


Here are some links Ms. Sylvia found to help you research different forms of power:







Solar advantages and disadvantages

Nuclear power advantages and disadvantages

More nuclear power advantages and disadvantages (easier)

Advantages and disadvantages of wind power

More advantages and disadvantages of wind power


Nuclear Power: CO2 explanation and disposal of nuclear waste:


A video about disposing of nuclear waste:


Costs of all types of electricity (Mr. Connelly will help you to interpret this table):


Pros and Cons of Coal:


Taichung’s Power

Last time in math we changed one of the denominators in order to add or subtract, like this:

2/3 + 2/6 = 4/6 + 2 /6 = 6/6 = 1

Today we changed both the denominators in order to make them like:

2/3 + 2/5 = 10/15 + 6/15 = 16/15 = 1  1/15

In the case above, the fifteenths are the lowest common denominator.

We went to the library for reading and borrowing.

In the afternoon we talked about Taichung’s main source of power.

Taichung Power Plant. Image borrowed from Wikipedia.

We found out that it runs on coal and that it is the world’s number one biggest producer of carbon dioxide.  By the way, I also found out that most of the coal comes from Australia.  Here are some links about the power plant.  You might need someone to help you read them.



We will soon start a project researching different types of power.


  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes at home every day.
  2. Practice the spelling words (below).
  3. Use Khan Academy for at least one hour over the week (= 15m per day Mon-Thur).
  4. Challenge: On your reading log, write down the Lexile level for each book you have read.  You can find out the Lexiles by using this link:


Type in the title or author you are looking for in the top right hand corner.

If there are books in other languages, estimate their Lexile.

If you have trouble, go to the ES library at lunchtime and ask Ms. Sylvia for a hand.

Spelling words:

List 1

woke          bone          close          stone          rose

boat           soap           soak          loaf              coat

slow           throw          know        grow             follow


now           how             confiscate            denominator

List 2

tasteless          baseball          grandfather          cookbook          bathroom

newspaper      birthday           wonderful             airplane             spacesuit

forever            whoever          somebody             anybody            horseshoe

basketball      confiscate         denominator          cautious            murmur

Venn Diagrams

In math we are reviewing Venn diagrams.  Here is one I thought you might like:


In literacy we chose a new book, 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass.

Some of the boys were concerned that it was more of a girls’ book.  When we discussed this, some students thought that girls preferred some books and boys, others.

We tested the idea by ranking a previous book, Da Vinci, out of five.  We separated the results for boys and girls and found the mean, median and mode of each.

The median and mode for both girls and boys was 5.  The mean for girls was 4.2 and for boys it was 5.  At least in our class, the book was more popular with boys but only by a little.

This shows how we can use math to make meaning of real-life situations that can be described in numbers.

In the afternoon we learned how to break our writing into paragraphs.  Have a look at this blog post.  It is typical of writing on the internet.  Does it have paragraphs?  How are they different to those in a book?

The Busker

This morning we reviewed graphs and data then did a test.

We went to the library for reading and borrowing.  Ms. Nono helped us out.  Thank you!

In the afternoon we continued with our narrative writing.

We read a story by Paul Jennings called The Busker.  It’s about a boy who wants money.  He meets an old man who tells him a sad tale that changes his mind.

Image borrowed from https://www.flickr.com/photos/djdelavega/6336915579

Did it change your mind, too?


  1. Read for at least 30 minutes every day.  Record in the reading log.
  2. Practice the spelling words (below).
  3. Use Khan Academy for a total of one hour over the week.
  4. Challenge: find the definitions of three strange words.  You will teach them to the class on Friday.  You must understand the words yourself.

Spelling List 1:

lock          crop          shot          doll          clock           shock          doctor

slope        note         hose          vote         joke            smoke          broke

come        love         gone


jealous          reputation

Spelling List 2:

write          wrote          written

will            would

understand        understood

wear         wore

sticking          squeaking          making          shaking

croaking        tackling              baking            speaking

reputation     jealous                isolated         illusion


In math we have been making cumulative frequency tables and plotting graphs.

Can you find the range, mean, median and mode of these sets of data?

3, 5, 6, 6, 12

23, 84, 39, 22, 30, 31, 98

In literacy we finished reading about Galileo.  He invented the telescope, the microscope, the thermometer and helped develop the ideas to build the first clock.

Galileo believed what the evidence told him, not what the ancients had always said.  He believed that our understanding of the world could grow.

Some great thinkers said:

     “We are dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants.  They are greater than us, but we see further.”

It means that new thinkers can learn from, and build upon, the ideas of previous thinkers.

Galileo was like a dwarf standing of the shoulders of Socrates and AristotleIsaac Newton was like a dwarf standing on the shoulders of Galileo (by developing his ideas about natural laws).  Einstein was like a dwarf standing on the shoulders of Newton.

You are also a thinker.  Whose shoulders are you standing on?  Who will stand on your shoulders when you are gone?

Have a thoughtful break.

A Short Week

This morning we plotted a graph and found the mean, median and mode.

We started reading about Galileo and went to the library.

In the afternoon we revised our stories.  We improved them by putting a problem in the beginning and more problems in the middle.  The resolution of the main problem is in the ending.


  1. Read for 30 minutes every night.
  2. Use Khan Academy math for one hour over the week.

There will be no spelling words or homework challenge due to the shortened week.

The Final Countdown

In the morning we completed two writing ERB tests.  We have one more to go.

We read in our literacy groups.  We found out that Da Vinci died in the arms of the French King, Francis I.

da vinci
Leonardo da Vinci. Image borrowed from Wikipedia.

In the afternoon we continued working on our flying machines.  Most groups made improvements.  The big competition will be tomorrow.  Good luck!

Also remember graphs and reading logs tomorrow.