Multiplying Mixed Numbers

Today in math we learned how to multiply mixed numbers.

We can just change them into fractions that have a numerator larger than the denominator.

You can watch how to do it again here.  The video includes a shortcut that we did not learn in class.

We finished Cannily Cannily.  In the end, they went home.  Where was that?

We went to the library.

In the afternoon we sent a PPT response to the school in Australia.


  1.  Read for at least 30 minutes every day.
  2.  Practice the spelling words.
  3.  Use Khan Academy for an hour over the week.
  4.  Challenge:

(a)  Go to this address:

(b)  Register.  Don’t use your surname, just use an initial (the first letter).  Don’t enter your email address.

(c)  Calculate your carbon footprint.  This will take some time and you’ll probably need some help from an adult.

(d)  Print the result or write it out carefully in your homework notebook.

(e)  Write a reflection: What does it mean?  What did you find out?  What do you think about it?

We will share our results on Friday.

Spelling List 1

boast          waist          thief          sheet         strain

stream        queen        praise       sweet        groan

throat          board        toast         great         peach

numb          indignant   horizontal      hogging     forehead

Spelling List 2

bigger          burglar         doctor          freezer          grammar

favor            dreamer       collar           author           dollar

persuasive     abruptly      mystified     forehead     indignant

gradually     horizontal     scribble          immunity     infectious

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